I use to be quite the social butterfly back in the days…and then I had kids and sorta-kinda-really fell off the map. That’s why I appreciate gatherings, especially those organized by the LA Mommy Blogger Tribe, where we get to connect, relate, and talk blogger business. Last month we met up with our kids and well, you know how that goes. A lot of incomplete conversations, polite public scolding, and a few meltdowns. This time, however, we all found sitters and decided to brunch like a boss thanks to Chin Chin Studio City.

Not many people know this about me, but I use to work at an upscale restaurant back in high school. I was only there for a couple of years, but the appreciation I have towards the quality of service, food, and overall dining experience has never left me. Thankfully Chin Chin went beyond my expectations and delighted more than just my tastebuds. When walking in, you are not only greeted by the staff but also the dining space full of natural light and beautiful Asian decor.

Being in business for over 30 years, you can imagine how amazing every dish sounded like on their menu. Thankfully Chin Chin’s General Manager, Leanne Chan, came to the rescue and walked us through and explained the flavor combinations and textures. She even surprised us with some of their signature dishes so we wouldn’t miss out!

Did I mention their chef uses fresh ingredients daily AND does not use MSG in any of their dishes? I’ve never heard of that and am always the one requesting that they DON’T INCLUDE MSG when placing my order! And lastly, because I’m all about eating family style, can I get an amen for their generous portion sizes! I’m already planning future events with family and friends in my head! 😀

While in conversation with my fellow mom bloggers, I couldn’t help but smile as each dish was brought out to our table. It was obvious they put some TLC in their food presentation and I totally appreciated it! (FYI: most moms don’t have time/patience for that kind of TLC when making macaroni at home for the millionth time lol)

Btw if you ever end up going to Chin Chin, request their signature chicken salad. It looks big and hearty, yet it’s healthy and light. I like to think it’s a mashup of Texas and California!

And for the next hour or so we sat and enjoyed ourselves in this Studio City gem. There was no interruptions. No scolding. And definitely no meltdowns…well until I got a text from Baba asking when I was heading home -__-
The Hustling Mama

Many thanks goes out to Chin Chin, Studio City, for hosting the LA Mommy Blogger Tribe. Your food, ambiance, and staff were wonderful!

Beautiful photos were taken by Daniela Rey of Mama Niela Photography https://mamaniela.co/