
We Done Confused Our Child

Austin asked me last night if we were going back to our Texas home for Thanksgiving. I told him we were not because Baba’s schedule was hectic and that he most likely had to meet with his classmates to do homework. Austin then asked if we were visiting for Christmas… and again I said no. I told him we had plans to visit Texas early next year and it would allow us more time to see everyone without feeling the holiday rush. He didn’t seem mad or sad…just said okay and started to walk into his room with a book.

Fast forward 10 minutes and he is now walking back out with his ukulele and getting situated on the floor. I thought he was going to jam to some Justin Timberlake or Bruno Mars songs and grabbed my camera. He sang and my heart dropped. Did we screw up our kids with our back-to-back moves? His lyrics made me feel like he was feeling some confusion with where he belongs, where he’ll be going, and if we’ll be with him.

Of course after that song he later started jamming to his usual music and being his happy self, but those lyrics killed me.

Baba, what have we done?!

Comments (3)

  • Wha? Not coming back for the holidays??? We were just talking about you guys last night. Guess no Christmas tree videos this year. ☹️️

  • WOW great performance Austin!!

  • Bear hugggggggg!!!! 🙂


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