
Top 10 Self Reflection Questions To Ask Yourself On Your Birthday

Guess who just completed another trip around the sun?! Me!! Yup, I’m actually writing this post the night of my birthday because I felt the sudden urge to share a list of self-reflection questions that I feel you all should ask yourself on your birthday. Even if it’s not your birthday, this list is a great way to put your life in perspective and to really ask the right questions that can lead you to a more positive and fulfilling next year.

I started this self-reflecting birthday tradition a few years ago when I really needed help getting clarity in my life. I was in a very different stage in my life back in 2016, but I love that these questions can still be applied to anyone and at any time. It doesn’t guarantee you the perfect life overnight, but I believe it does guide you towards the right track of where you want to be, how you want to feel, and essentially a happier version of yourself. This year I wanted to really focus on myself with zero distractions, so I decided  The Hustling Mama needed a week off from social media. What a productive week it has been for me! Brought back memories of my life pre-blogging and I finally got to cross out a lot of errands from my ever-growing to-do list lol! Above all, it gave me a chance to think about this past year and how I would like to move forward to the next.

Top 10 Self-Reflection Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself

  1. What made me happy this year that I’d like to see more of next year?
  2. Did I take anything or anyone for granted?
  3. Do I have negative or toxic people who create unnecessary drama in my life? 
  4. Have I changed this past year for the better? Am I proud of the person I am becoming?
  5. Do I carry negative thoughts with me? How can I address them?
  6. Am I doing everything I can for the relationships I value? Could they be better?
  7. What is something I can do to be one step closer to where I want to be?
  8. Who are the people who affected me the most this past year?
  9. How can I remember my plan throughout the year? 
  10. Am I being 100% true to myself?

So what did you think? Do you feel like these questions would lead you to a happier you by next year? Again, these questions are for you and what you think you should be doing with your life. Block out what you think society or your family thinks you should be doing with it. This is an area that I use to struggle greatly in, but as each year passes, I find myself more at ease with my life choices. I care less about hitting those traditional milestones and focus more on living a life that is true to me and my aspirations.

Happy Birthday to my fellow scorpios this month and happy unbirthday to those who still took time to read through this list! If you’re feeling up for the challenge, I encourage you to write your answers in an email to be delivered to yourself on your next birthday! Great way to look back as you look forward to each year!


Rosie aka The Hustling Mama

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